The Music Ministry of the Greater St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church is committed to spreading the Word of God through song. It consists of four choirs:
The Children/Youth Choir
The Christian Gentlemen of Distinction
The Greater St. Mark Choir
Our Music Ministry Staff:
Bro. Billy Perry -- Organist/Pianist
Sis. Joyce German -- Choir Director
Bro. Andrew Brown -- Drums/Percussions
Bro. Tommy Robinson Jr -- Drums/Percussions
Bro. Chandler Allen -- Drums/Percussions
Choir History
Previous choirs at Greater St. Mark included the Coliss P. Graham Choir (teens), the Youth Angelic Choir (children), the Unified Praise Ensemble (young adults/college choir), the Inspirational Choir (older adults), the Male Chorus, and the Brothers and Sisters Choir (adults), which produced two albums.